What You Need To Know If You’re Charged With Grand Larceny
Typically known as grand theft, grand larceny is a serious criminal offense according to California's penal code 487 PC. This penal code defines the crime as unlawful possession of someone else’s property at a time when the property’s value is more than $950. The property can either be a firearm or a car or is taken immediately from an individual, like a mugging. If you are ever charged with Fairfax grand larceny by Nova defenders , then there are certain things that you should know about. What crime is considered grand larceny? According to the Nevada law, Fairfax grand larceny is defined as an intentional taking, stealing, or taking away someone else property or goods, which might include the following: An individual’s property or personal good. Furniture, bedding, and several other properties to which the accused have access as a lodger. The accused has converted real properties into personal property by removing them. What are the points which determi...