Choose The Right Criminal Defense Lawyer: 10 Questions To Ask

Hiring criminal defense lawyers is something that you would never wish to happen. But you never know what fate brings in for you. So, it's essential to prepare for those situations and pick the right help. 

You can easily tackle the situation if you have a skilled yet experienced defense attorney. Here we have a list of 10 questions you should ask your criminal lawyer before hiring.  

For How Many Years Have You Practiced Criminal Law?

Experience matters much when defending a victim in a criminal matter. Having a lawyer who has been in practice for a long time effectively is advantageous in many ways. 

Knowledgeable legal counsel can provide accurate information about what to anticipate at each step of the case.

What is Your Educational Qualification? 

Before hiring any criminal defense lawyers, know about their backgrounds. This means you need to ask them about their educational qualification and certifications. That's important because it will help ensure your case is in the right hands. 

Any Experience in Handling Similar Cases Like Me? 

It is essential to select a lawyer who is not just experienced but also well-versed in the charges you are facing. The time and money you save and the better conclusion you're likely to get may be substantial when you choose a lawyer who already has handled cases comparable to yours. 

It's also a good idea to inquire whether trials have been held in situations comparable to yours and, if so, what the verdicts were.

What is the Success Rate? 

Finding an attorney who has represented people in similar circumstances as yours is important. But you should also look for someone with a track record of success in the courtroom. 

While every lawsuit and client is different, choosing an attorney with a track record of success in securing favorable results for their clients is still important.

Do You Have Any Recommendations or Testimonials? 

While not all criminal defense lawyers, even some of the best in the business, routinely request client testimonials, when they are made accessible, they may be insightful in providing a window into the experiences of past clients with the attorney in question. 

It's okay to inquire as to the reason why an attorney doesn't have any customer testimonials or is unwilling to share any with you.

How Often Do Your Cases Proceed for Trials?

Your attorney should be well-versed enough to evaluate your case and assess whether or not it is possible to reach a fair resolution outside of court. 

If your case goes to trial, you'll want an attorney who's comfortable and effective in front of a jury.

How Often Do You Visit Courthouse for Cases? 

It helps to have a lawyer familiar with the judges who will likely rule over your case. 

If your criminal defense attorney is familiar with the area prosecutors, they will know what to anticipate from them and how to design your defense strategy best.

Do You Have a Team or You'll be Working Alone? 

Most attorneys are part of larger firms that employ paralegals and junior associates. Depending on the complexity of your case, your lawyer may provide employees of the legal team with certain responsibilities. 

You have the right to inquire whether your attorney can devote the necessary time and focus to your case.

Is My Case Strong?

You should be skeptical of any attorney who guarantees a certain conclusion in your case. 

While it is impossible to predict the outcome of a case based on the little facts provided at the outset, a competent attorney ought to be able to do so.

What is Your Proposed Strategy?

No lawyer, just like no one else, can control every part of the legal process or ensure the result of a case. 

On the other hand, your legal counsel should be capable of creating a well-thought-out plan for your defense.


These are a few questions that you need to put in front of criminal defense lawyers to make sure that you find the best bet. Also, your search for the best criminal attorney can be fulfilled with Nova Defenders. With the right experience, we can help you with your cases and win them. Connect with us for more information!


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